Ethereum: Is it possible to generate a complete public address with vanitygen?

Ethereum: Can VanityGen Generate a Complete Public Address?

When it comes to generating Ethereum addresses, users often rely on online tools like VanityGen. However, one of the most frequently asked questions surrounding these tools is whether they can truly generate complete public addresses or simply find matches for partial addresses.

To better understand this issue, we’ll dive into the world of Ethereum address generation and explore how VanityGen works.

What are Ethereum Addresses?

Ethereum addresses are 42-character strings that serve as unique identifiers for Ether transactions. These addresses consist of four groups of characters separated by hyphens:


The first group (prefix) is always 0x, followed by a series of hexadecimal digits representing the account’s balance and token balances.

How ​​Do Ethereum Addresses Work?

When you create an Ethereum address, it consists of 56 characters: four groups of ten characters each. The first 40 characters are used for the “account balance” group (e.g., 0x...), while the next 16 characters represent the “token balances” group (e.g., [0123456789ABCEEFEDFLLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz]). The final 6 characters are a checksum, which ensures that the address remains unique and valid.

Can VanityGen Generate a Complete Public Address?

VanityGen is a web application that allows users to input partial Ethereum addresses and receive potential matches for complete addresses. However, when you use VanityGen or any other online tool to generate an Ethereum address, it’s not possible to create a

public address from scratch.

Here’s why:

  • A complete public address requires 56 characters: four groups of ten hexadecimal digits.

  • VanityGen and other online tools can only process partial addresses, which means they’re limited to generating matches for incomplete or partially written addresses.

When you input a partial address into VanityGen, the tool will likely return a match that’s close but not entirely complete. The error message “is too long” is a common indication of this limitation.

Why Can’t VanityGen Generate a Complete Address?

The reason VanityGen can’t generate a complete public address lies in the way Ethereum addresses are structured. As mentioned earlier, a complete address requires 56 characters, which is not possible to fit within the four groups separated by hyphens (0x…).

Additionally, the checksum at the end of an Ethereum address ensures that it remains unique and valid. This means that even if you input a partial address, VanityGen will likely return a match for a complete address or indicate that the input is too long.


In summary, while VanityGen can generate matches for incomplete addresses, it’s not possible to create a
complete public Ethereum address from scratch. If you need a complete address, you may want to consider using other tools or methods that are more suitable for generating fully functional Ethereum addresses.

However, if you just need to search for a match for a partial address, VanityGen can be a useful online tool for exploring possible matches and ideas.

Additional Tips

  • When searching for a partial address with VanityGen, keep in mind the length limit of 40 characters (account balance group) before it starts returning errors.

  • Be aware that even if you input a complete address, VanityGen may not return a match due to limitations on account balance groups.

  • Consider using other online tools or methods, such as the Ethereum address validator tool on the Etherscan platform, for more reliable and accurate address generation.

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